Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas at Temple Square:)

So the Priest and laurels went to Temple Square and saw the Christmas lights. It was a wonderful night. I kinda walked by my self so I could have time to ponder about the true meaning of Christmas which is Christ. They had a nativity Scene where the did an narration of the Nativity, it was a very spiritual experience for me seeing the Savior in the manger and then I looked behind me and saw the north visitor center where I could see through the windows and see the statue of the Savior after he is resurrected where his arms are stretched out with the nail prints in his hands and feet, it was just an very spiritual experience seeing the Savior at his birth and then looking behind me and seeing him after he was resurrected, then I looked back to where he was in the manger it made me think of all that he did in his life and why he did it, it was for us that he came to earth and suffered and died for us. I am so grateful I was able to have this experience and that I can share it with you and that maybe it will help you remember the true meaning of Christmas. Merry CHRISTmas.        (I hope everything made sense)

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