Friday, December 3, 2010

Family Pictures

Well, Sunday we got our family picture's taken, I will say it was very cold, my toes were frozen, but it was worth it:) Our Nabor, was so kind enough to take our picture's for us, she is so nice. We were able to go to the Rippavilla Plantation to get our picture taken, it is so Beautiful there. I am going to miss the Rippavilla and the Homestead Manor plantation. I love old House's I thinkt hey are so pretty.
Here are some of the pictures we took:)


  1. These are adorable! I wish I was so photogenic. :P
    You're gorgeous, Kallie. I MISS YOU!!!

  2. Kallie, those are SO cute! I love them. You guys all look so beautiful!
    We miss you SO much! Church is just not the same without you and Chris there.
    I hope you come back to visit soon, AKA before I go to college. Or I can just come see you while I'm at college!
    I miss you guys so much!!

  3. Thanks, all of you. I know I miss everyone too. Yes I want to come out before you go to college and you should totally come and visit us while you go to college:) I love you all.
    P.S. Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

  4. Hello beautiful Kallie Rae Baker!! I MISS YOU!! I'm so glad you posted those pictures. They are amazing!

  5. What a cute family you guys make! I don't think I have your blog on my never pops up when you update. =/ I'll have to fix that.

  6. It was so fun to see you in UTAH! I love and miss you. The pictures turned out great!

  7. Sammy, I had a blast that afternoon with you guys, that was so much fun!!! I miss you tons, I've cried myslef asleep a couple of times:(
    I love you very much. Hope to see you again sometime this summer:)
